Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Pinteresting Wedding Edition ;)
We get married in 37 days! Holy cow. I already showed you guys my civil ceremony shoes in this post, and they happen to be from Ruche. Well guess what? I'm ALSO purchasing my dress from there as well. They recently launched a bridal collection that is so incredibly wonderful. I know, I know, I rave over this online boutique endlessly, but it really is one of my favorites. I wanted something casual and light. June 1st is summer time in my eyes (even though its really not until the 21st...only I would think of that), and I didn't want to be wearing some fancy long gown for a simple, albeit happy ceremony. I even considered wearing a fun color, like pink or blue. Then I decided I want some semblance and feeling of a typical wedding, so I decided on a white one, haha. Here it is:
I'm totally in love with it, and I happen to think its perfect for the ceremony. By the way, I was dying over the shoes in the photo, but they are all sold out. Oh well! I love the shoes I have!
Sorry if I'm boring you all with wedding stuff. But there's more. Since today's Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday, I've got some lovely wedding inspiration to share. So many ideas are bubbling in my head for our reception/party next year. Enjoy! :)

Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via yvaiine on Pinterest
Source: via Iver on Pinterest
Source: via Katie on Pinterest
Have a great day!!
xx Jess
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Spool No. 72
Clover and Thistle Blouse
Meadow and Stream Blouse
Full Sail Dress
Geometric Dress
Bluebell Dress - Utterly in love with this one
Southwestern Stroll Wedges
Ikat Gladiator Sandals
Coldwater Feather Ring
Freebird Lace Cuff Bracelet
I'm sure SOME of you have heard of this cute little shop. They even have vintage pieces for sale. Since online shopping is a bad habit of mine, I will most likely be purchasing something from them soon. And I will never stop hunting for great online shops. I swear, it's in my blood. Go check them out if you haven't!
xx Jessica
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Hotel del Coronado
Last Saturday Jim and I headed down to Coronado just across San Diego bay. Our destination? The famous Hotel del Coronado.
If you haven't heard of this hotel, where have you been? Just kidding. When it opened in 1888(What?! Yes, 1888), it was one of a kind. At that time, it was considered the largest resort hotel in the world, and is now the largest all wooden building in California, and also the oldest!
I think when most people see this hotel they see Marilyn Monroe in Some Like It Hot, which was filmed there. But there were numerous other famous guests who stayed there. Some of them being Frank L. Baum, Charlie Chaplin, and even Thomas Edison. Sixteen US Presidents stayed there as well. How cool, right?
This place was really beautiful to see. Jim and I stopped at a mexican restaurant called Miguel's Cocina first, to grab some delicious fish tacos and margaritas. It was pretty windy out that day, but we still had a blast.
Hope you guys enjoyed! This place is really great. It was fun getting to see the other side of Coronado besides the Naval Base. We also went to a few other places this weekend, so more adventures to come!
Have a great day!
xx Jessica
Blog Award!

So here are a few questions I get to answer that comes along with this award. I'm weird and I love filling out surveys. For real. Lol.
What is your favorite song?: I don't have just one. There's no way I ever could. One of my all time favorite songs is Hotel California by The Eagles, though.
What is your favorite dessert?: Tiramisu. Whenever I see it I usually have to get it. That and chocolate cake. :)
What is your favorite pet?: Dogs are my favorite. My pup Shadow is my little girl, and I love her to death.
Black or White?: Black I suppose. I never wear But I love white flowers.
What is your biggest fear?: Being alone. Isn't that everyone's?
And being stranded in the middle of the ocean. Because I hate the ocean.
What is your best feature?: I'd say my eyes. They're super big and I always get compliments on them.
What is your every day attitude?: Stay positive and love your life.
What is your guilty pleasure?: When I'm all alone in the house, I'll turn off all the lights and watch Ghost Adventures and drink wine. Yes...that's my guilty pleasure. Lol.
Again, thank you so much Kimi! :)
This Thursday I get to go back to the dentist to get some cavities filled. Oh yay, I'm so happy. Sarcasm. However, the shoes I ordered featured in my last post arrived today! They are amazing. I can't wait to wear them!
Friday, April 13, 2012
tid bits
I'm linking up with Alycia over at Crowley Party for Tid Bits!
So many wonderful things are happening. First off, Jim's birthday was on Wednesday, and instead of baking him a cake, I figured, why not make some delicious noms featuring the best ingredient ever, bacon?! Of course I have no pictures. I've been slacking picture wise lately, but I made him deviled eggs with bacon, bacon and cheese potato bites, and bacon and chicken pasta with a parmesan cheese sauce. Oh man. So much bacon. Needless to say I had to exercise the following morning.
Jim and I have discussed and discussed, and we've decided to have a civil wedding ceremony. My parents are flying out, along with his foster parents, and with the four of them as witnesses, we will be married on June 1st! I cannot wait. We will be having a mock ceremony/reception next year, probably on June 1st or sometime around then. So I've got a whole year to plan, but I'm super excited to marry my best friend.
That being said, today we have an appointment at 4PM to go get our marriage license. I don't know how many people get really excited about going to get it, but I am. Maybe because its all starting to fall into place and everything is becoming real and not just an idea in my head.
SO, since we are having a civil ceremony, I picked out the most wonderful shoes. I immediately fell in love with them when I saw them, and purchased them right away. I will most likely wear a simple dress to the ceremony, and I will purchase a real wedding dress for next year. But here are the shoes!
They are not traditional wedding, and I don't care. Because, as I've said before, I'm not the traditional gal. I love them.
On another note, I haven't painted my nails in eons, and my nails aren't in the greatest shape right now, but since I've been feeling so happy, and today is Friday, I decided to paint them.
Later tonight, we are going to a place called Smashburger. Jim has been wanting to go there so we'll be checking it out. And hopefully *fingers crossed* we will be taking a little trip up to Laguna Beach tomorrow. I'll definitely stop slacking and take some pictures if we do. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
xx Jessica
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I waste so much time...
It's Wednesday again! You know what that means...

No theme today, just things I'm currently adoring, and a couple I pinned myself.
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Kirsten on Pinterest
Source: via mrs. french on Pinterest
Source: via Steph on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Source: via Jessica on Pinterest
Well, today is James' birthday! He turns 27. He's always so depressed on his birthday, so I will do my best to cheer him up today when he gets home from work. My method? Food of course. I'm making some of his favorites, so I'll be sure to post about it tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday!
P.S. Those three pairs of shoes I posted? I'm considering them all as wedding shoes! Weee!
xx Jessica